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Making a HFE/ENP


What is a Portfolio?

Simply put, a portfolio is an online exhibition of your work. For you - a human factors engineer or engineering psychologist - a portfolio is your chance to showcase all (or a selection of) the great work you have done related to the field. With a portfolio, visitors can browse through your current and previous projects, read about how you solved problems, and get to learn about you. A well-designed portfolio will allow potential employers to answer questions such as: 

  • What projects have you done?

  • Where have you worked? 

  • Where is level of expertise?

  • What are your skills?

  • How do you work? Do you have a work style?

  • What is your thought process when you are problem-solving?

  • Will you fit in with the company given your values and personality?

  • Do you have additional background or experience that is eye-catching? 

A well-designed portfolio could potentially be the factor that decides whether you will get that internship or job! 

Awesome Portfolios!

Getting Started

Creating a portfolio is not an easy task. You can't just upload a picture, type your name, and call it a day. As you scroll down this build-your-portfolio crash course, you will see that a lot of effort goes into designing, creating, and then maintaining a portfolio. Some create a portfolio and stick with it their entire lives, others create and delete portfolios every day as their needs change. But regardless, putting in the work to create a good portfolio is well-worth the effort. Whether it's getting you that job or helping you realize how you've grown, you won't regret having made one!

Get started by reading our in-depth guide to portfolio-making!

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